Things don’t just happen

Proverbs 19:21 NIV
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Planning is a very essential commodity in the home of success. When you fail to plan then it means you are planning to fail. Nobody has ever succeeded without planning and that’s why you shouldn’t leave things to chance and fate. Some lessons to derive from the text
1. Everyone has his own plans
2. Someone’s plans may not work for you
3. Your plans should get you closer to God
4. God’s purpose is superior to your plans
5. Do not give up if a dream is not realised
6. Create conducive environment for the accomplishment of your vision
7. Your goals must be Success – prone, measureable, realistic and adjustable.
8. Always have an alternative
9. Make room for the intangible things (kindness, meekness, truthfulness) because they affect the realization of your tangible things.
10. Put God first in your plans.

There’s nothing new until you decide to change something about the old. Let the change start from within you.

Further Reading: Luke 14:28-32

Thank you father for a new day and grace. Help me Holy Spirit to always make plans that are in tandem with your purpose for my life in Jesus name

Facebook: Solomon Rehoboth
Twitter: Solo_rehoboth

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