Sinach Honored with the ‘Western Africa Artist of the Year’ at Groove Awards

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The Nigerian award winning gospel superstar and worship leader, Sinach, has been honored recently in Kenya with the Western Africa Artist of the Year – 2016 an event organized every year by Groove Awards.

The Groove Awards is Kenya’s premier gospel music Awards Ceremony whose main vision is to Promote, Expose and Celebrate Gospel talent in Kenya and across Africa. Since its inception in 2004, over 1,000 artists/groups have been nominated and 240 Groove statuettes presented to Gospel musicians in Kenya and East African region.

Sinach, who took to Instagram, expressed her excitement and the honor done her to be recognized at this year’s Groove Awards, says;

“Thank you groove awards KEnya for the recognition #sinach #ispread . Thank you @deejonesofficial and @stacyegbo for representing !”



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