People who have something against Alpha Hour have not experienced it before – Lawyer Nti writes


Richmond Xavier Amoakoh a Ghanaian comedy actor, writer, and director popularly known as Lawyer Nti, for his role in the hit TV series Kejetia vs Makola writes about Alpha Hour and the supposed misconception some have against the online praying platform.

He wrote extensively about the positive things he has noticed on Alpha Hour on social media as follows;

I think that people who have something against Alpha Hour have either not experienced it before or have heard something actually untrue about it or just think they don’t have to join Alpha Hour to pray because they can pray on their own. The last point is actually true but my question is how many times do you pray or for how long? Even Jesus prayed for like hours at Gethsemane. Even the Son of God. Just saying.

I am going to tell you about Alpha Hour and then maybe you would tell me your problem with it after reading.
Basically, what happens is we just pray and pray and pray some more for 1 hour; 12 am to 1 am. Pastor Agyemang Elvis leads us all to pray with prayer points he has prepared for each session.

The prayer points are dropped in his spirit whiles he prays before the sessions. God does that because He knows who and who He wants to attend to first and the prayer points are like His “apor” to us. He begins with a Bible verse that holds the foundation of the prayer points. What the Bible verse does is to help us to use God’s own words “against” Him. So we base our prayers and requests on the things God has already said He would give us or do for us.
What I have come to realize from some of the teachings and testimonies on Alpha Hour is that many people are going through situations that they shouldn’t be going through because they have not invited God or the Holy Spirit into these situations.

When we are in difficulties, we tend to think more or cry about the situation. We get depressed. God sees us suffering and He wants to intervene but He won’t because we have evil alters (spirits associated with sins and bad habits) in our lives we are honoring on a daily basis. For God to step in, he needs to be invited. So, we get to stand on the quality of God’s Word and His promises to request or sometimes demand that He stepped in.

Elvis Agyemang

There are times people join Alpha Hour and the next day or next week, they get their healing or their job or something they prayed for. Such people, I believe were not meant to be in those situations in the first place. There are people who started from day 1 still “waiting” for their testimonies. Even these people have testimonies because God is preparing the ground for their take-off. God said He would go before us and level the mountains, I will break down the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron. If someone promises you that he will build a house for you, he buys the land, puts the papers in your name, and starts working on it, would you wait to hold the keys to the house before you show gratitude?

We come to the reading of testimonies and praying over our points of contact. Point of contact is we just raising something like our CV, medical report, water, oil, picture, etc… Depending on what we trust God to do for us. Something symbolic of our prayers.

Finally, he tells us how we can give our offerings. Not by force. He always says if God touches you to give do it and he tells us how to do it because scammers are actually using his name to scam people. Again, the offering is not by force and whatever amount you want to give is welcome. This is Alpha Hour. Join us today if you can. God bless you.



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