New Music: Nyame Akoa Malonzy with ‘Weisor’

Urban gospel dude, Nyame Akoa Malonzy is here to reminds believers of their authority through Christ which crashes every work of darkness under their feet. It stresses the dire need to make no room for poverty, diseases, woes, and anxiety.

Submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you. The very catchy hook repeatedly sang is the force behind this great that pushes down the message of the power of a Christian.

‘Weisor’ produced by Willisbeats was delivered in the pure mother tongue (verse 1) with so much prowess while the second verse was tactfully conveyed in “broken/street English”.

The opening verse highlights faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross as the only path to victorious living. The second verse emphasizes the Father’s love and how He orchestrates the steps of those who trust Him solely.


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