[New Music] Edega – The Greatest.
Sensational up and coming gospel rap artiste Edega has released a brand new banging urban gospel tune which he titled ‘The Greatest’ zooming on the very basis of our existence – Love, which he describes as the greatest of all virtues.
According to the rapper, we need to keep our calm in the midst of threats and unpleasantries from others, smile and show love instead of hatred knowing that all those vices malice, hatred, evil of all kinds emanates from the evil one.
In our world, we need to let God lead us so we always win by so doing, the wicked one loses perpetually. The song is titled The Greatest because in the verse 13 of 1 Cor chapter 13 the scripture that informed the whole song’s theme, the apostle Paul stated three virtues:faith,hope and love abiding but said:THE GREATEST of them all is Love;hence the title-THE GREATEST.
Listen and download below;