Nathaniel Bassey speaks on the New Creation Reality
Nathaniel Bassey has taken to his Instagram to share new creation realities. The singer talked about young people who expect so much from God but fails to put their faith to work. Nathaniel Bassey said,
“If you’ve noticed, you would have seen loads of young folks who argue about what Christ has done and all. They say you don’t have to do anything, since He has done everything. So they go back home, sit down and cross their legs, just claiming and confessing Christ’s finished work.”
The singer further went on to share, why a young believer should not just sit at home doing nothing that is going to bring in money. He advises and shares his views as to why a young person should be responsible and also to put their faith to work by looking for something to do.
“Any way here’s my take. The only reality they can get by that is that of lack and frustration.
Yes God’s grace has made available all things we require pertaining to Life and godliness. However, we take delivery of them through the hand of Faith. But then this is what James says about Faith. “Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.” James 2:18. NLTSimply put, the proof of faith is in your actions and deeds. You can confess and profess, “Jesus became poor that I may be rich” till thy kingdom come, but if you don’t fold your sleeves, get out and find something to do, you will only receive an abundance of lack and frustration, then end up saying THIS THING DOES’NT WORK.
The difference however, with the believer is that as we step out in faith, God’s grace is available to us to get things we may not ordinarily get by human ability and effort. Grace has done it, but Faith has to take it. And Faith is expressed and seen by our works. And the works I’m referring to isn’t PERFORMANCE i.e, (Doing to try to earn God’s love or Impress Him. Because He has ALREADY LOVED US. Even while we were sinners) However, works here is the expression of our believe in Christ’s finished work. Something like Mary saying, Whatever He saith unto you do, DO. (John2)
This should be clear enough people! A New creation Rhema that absolves you of any kind of responsibility is a fallacy.” – Nathaniel Bassey