Michael W Smith announces the release of yet another album titled ‘Surrounded’
The Grammy Award Winning artiste, Michael W Smith has announced the release of yet another New Album – a LIVE Worship project titled SURROUNDED, releasing Feb. 23rd, a week after his forthcoming full-length studio album “A MILLION LIGHTS” on Friday, Feb. 16th.
Michael says;
“The thought of doing another live worship project has been something I have processed for a while now. The question I have asked myself most is not so much what do I want to do, but what do I need to do. What do WE need to do as His church and as His children? What expression of worship does He desire from us… have we missed something?The reality is, it is not the style of our expression He is concerned with, it is the heart.
He wants our honesty. He wants our vulnerability. He wants us to come to him as we are, not as we want to be. I feel God moving through His church and He is calling us TOGETHER…. to be one voice and one heart. One bride.
Every nation, every tribe, and every tongue. Every social class. Every denomination.Let’s get together and rejoice! In what He has done, what He is doing, and what He has yet to do.”
The digital preorder for the album is now available with an instant download for the song “Surrounded (Fight My Battles)” – iTunes