KODA shares the inspiration behind his free audio mixing and mastering initiative for emerging gospel artists

Celebrated gospel music producer and gospel singer Kofi Owusu Dua-Anto (KODA) has started a new and laudable initiative of mixing and mastering a gospel song from one emerging gospel artist each month for free.

The move according to the “Nkwa Abodoo” crooner is set to run from August to the end of the year 2020 where a successfully vetted and approved song by an emerging gospel singer will be freely mixed and mastered by KODA.

Speaking to TheWorshippersHub, KODA, who has been in the music production and engineering business for close to two decades noted that in his experience over the years, he has come across great talents with great musical initiatives and ideas but most of them end up not picking up the pieces as a result of lack of funding and help.

“Kuami Eugene was doing gospel music and unfortunately he could not get the help he needed from within” – KODA cites.

Inspired by the desire to see a change in the narrative, KODA stated that this act would perhaps spark a revival that will catch up with everyone who has the means to help in one way or the other. He also noted that mixing and mastering a song involves a lot – time, energy, emotions, etc. but he has come to the point where he could offer help through this initiative without asking for a penny.

free mixing and mastering service

The choice of a song for a month will be overseen by a panel of judges made of Charles Koranteng (Premier Gospel – UK), Eugene Zuta, Nii Okai, Ps Isaiah Fosu-Kwakye Jnr, Daniel Dadson (UK), Kojo Oppong, Papa Sconti.

The choice of the panel, according to KODA, is to have diversity and create harmony when approaching a song. For instance, the panel is clearly made up of the more spiritually discerning, the songwriters, media personalities, and those with great musical judgment.

The judges will each have access to the files on Google Drive without a specified artist name. The scrutiny and vetting process will occur on a WhatsApp platform where an agreed song for the month will be made known and worked on accordingly.



  1. Must be an emerging gospel artist
  2. Submit your premixed track to kodedgh@gmail.com
  3. Winner for the month will submit an authorisation letter from a record label, management or pastor

Date of Submission: 1st – 14th August


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