Jeshurun Okyere speaks about empowerment through worship and not just a show
After the launch of August Worship 2016 (on Wednesday, 10 August), Jeshurun Okyere, the brain behind the annual August worship reveals the different turns this year’s edition of the annual event is going to take.
According the ‘Healing Stream’ singer, he thinks more about impact this year not shows, “we believe the event and music is only a starting point for young people in Africa to begin to think about the great times we live in Africa now. We want our patrons to walk out of the venue not only singing but also thinking” he said.
Jeshurun went on to explain that, this is not just an idea but that’s what worship is; thinking.“It’s meant to connect man to his Maker and make him a thinker. Anytime we worship the God (creative) side of our lives is activated. The great Christian writers of our old days did not just write hymns but changed the trajectory of their generation. It’s only unfortunate in our days that most of us see the worship agenda as entertainment.”
“Who is Man? Man is God’s vice regent/president over the earth. Man was created to have dominion over the economy, politics, sanitation, etc. God expects the world to be perfect once his vice is around there. But what do we see today”? he asked
Jesh opined that Worship can therefore be ignited any time the President (God) and the Vice President (man) meet. It will be a platform to receive ideas, healing in finances, etc from God and network among ourselves to take dominion over this nation because it’s an election year.
“In a nutshell, I want to invite ALL to join us in this historic moment. It’s going to be mind blowing. An atmosphere of intense worship that breeds signs and wonders” he ended.
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Credit: GospelGh