Irene Logan debuts a gospel song “More” – available now on all music stores
Highly loved Ghanaian one-time secular singer Irene Logan, who has publicly declared her undivided attention for the Lord Jesus and to the work of his service after an encounter has released a masterpiece gospel single titled “More”.
“More” is a faith-based song that declares an inner yearning for more of the Spirit of God and his move in our lives. This is more of a personal self-reminder song for Irene whose life is a testimony as she continues to spread the fragrance of Christ with her unique gift.
This is officially her first single after totally switching to gospel music
Check out the audio slide of More by Irene Logan below;
Stream song on SPOTIFY | APPLE MUSIC
Speaking about the song, the inspiration behind it, and how she got it, Irene pens;
“I was born to perform signs and wonders in His name. “I was born to perform miracles in His name.”
“More is a prophetic song that was given to me by the Holy Spirit on a long flight from New York to South Africa. I had surrendered and responded to my calling, but went through a two-year period of wait and stillness. I spent time praying and building an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. There was a desperation in me for direction for my ministry. I wanted to know how God wanted to use me, I wanted inspiration to write throne room songs so I prayed and waited. The waiting period was intense because I went through many stages o fbreaking and re-building, crushing and transforming. No prior fame I had in the secular world mattered. I was being processed to empty myself, become full, then humble and sensitive to the Holy Spirit.”
“On a 14hr long flight from New York to South Africa, nothing worked. The entire entertainment system was off on that flight so all I had was my thoughts. Sitting next to me on the left side was a missionary woman (Peggy) who was traveling to Africa for the first time to do ministry work. The seat on my right side was completely empty. Which was strange for a flight that was so full.”
“Peggy and I immediately started to talk since we were stuck with each other for 14hrs. Our conversations were centered around the love of Christ. We held hands and prayed and we silently worshiped and talked some more and worshiped some more as if we were meant to be exactly where we were at that exact moment to prepare the atmosphere for what was about to happen next. I fell asleep somewhere along with the flight. A deep calming sleep, but suddenly something beautiful and powerful woke me up. I heard a choir sing in my left ear. It was silent but very audible. It was so real I sat up and stood up to look around to see who was singing. I intently gazed around the flight to identify who sang so beautifully. The plane was quiet with most people asleep.”
“No one in there was singing but I heard the singing still, and immediately understood what I was experiencing. The words were clear. The melody was clear. The presence of the Holy Spirit was all over me and tears ran down my eyes as I listened to the song; “I was born to perform signs and wonders in His name. I was born to perform miracles in His name. Jesus Lord, let me be, exceedingly, abundantly. More, More, More, More.”
“The choir sang “More” over and over again. I picked up my phone and recorded myself singing what I was hearing. This song is directly from the throne room and I’m humbled to be the vessel God is using to share with the nations. May it bless you as it has blessed me.”