‘Baba’ is a song of petition not a worship song – Dr Sonnie Badu

Award winning worshipper, preacher, Founder and Leader of of RockHill Church Dr.Sonnie Badu schooled audience who partook in the Genesis of Worship service on what a worship song really is.

According to Mr Badu, most people emotionally blackmail God thinking that is worship. He continues to differentiate between a worship song and a petition song which He categorized His “Baba” song as a song of petition and not as a worship song as some have perceived and used in that regard over the years.

Worship according to Sonnie Badu should be about Jesus and what he has done on the Cross, bowing in total worship and enjoying the sweetness of his presence.

The renown singer wrote;

Now, real worship is not the slow tempo songs, it’s not songs like “Open the floodgates in abundance” that I wrote. Those songs are songs of petition. That’s why you get extremely emotional because you are in need. Real worship is when you talk, sing and chant about the name of JESUS, the CROSS and the BLOOD …


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Credit: KingdomBiz



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