[Audio] Midnight Crew with ‘Good God’ & ‘Congratulation’ singles to celebrate 17th anniversary
One of Nigeria’s amazing gospel groups Midnight Crew couldn’t have found a better way to celebrate their 17th anniversary but through the release of two amazing thanksgiving singles titled ‘Good God’ and ‘Celebration’.
The new singles, produced by Tyanx are expressive of the spirit and mood of the quartet as they celebrate their 17th anniversary.
“It’s an amazing feeling to have contributed fairly well to an industry with challenges within and without. To have proven that groups consist of individuals who can stand on their own and still keep the integrity of the group. To have enjoyed so much of God on just one song. The Midnight Crew story makes sense,” the statement by the group reads.
Good God takes the conventional thanksgiving-worship-praise song route. Performed by the Midnight Crew trademark voice of Pat Uwaje-King and Odunayo Ojo-Onasanya, the ladies bring Makossa to life.
The Urban Afro-style of Congratulations by Midnight Crew motivates festivity, although they channels the dance and eulogies to Jehovah, the source of His children’s testimonies. The song is somewhat prophetic as the Crew see every listener in the spotlight of celebration and believe all glory and praise will go to God. “Congratulations” is performed by the men of the Crew, Olugbenga Oyebola and Mike Abdul. It is an invitation to the Midnight Crew’s festive demeanor.
Download Good GodDownload Congratulation
Credit: GmusicPlus