[Audio Download] Inspirers outdoors new single ‘Amen’
Inspirers Ministry, headed by Dr. Prince Boamah Abrah outdoors their newest single dubbed Amen with beautiful visuals to compliment the Spirit-filled record.
This comes after a successful release of ‘Healer’ in 2018, followed by ‘Mercy’ in 2019
Amen is a Contemporary worship song that speaks of the majestic, glorious and supreme nature of God. The song, written and led by the leader also pours adoration, praises, and accolades on the Trinity, reassuring all of His infinite power and ability to do exceedingly above what humanity can ever think.
Amen is derived from the Hebrew word āmēn, which means “certainty,” “truth,” and “verily.” It is spoken to express solemn ratification or agreement. It means “it is so” or “so be it.”
Amen is a Biblical affirmation to prayer used in Christian worship and other religions of the world.
Our God is the “Amen” and his words are ye and Amen
Amen is an inspired song visualizing heaven and expressing how the saints and the heavenly host ascribe worship to the one who sits upon the throne.
As you download this song and sing along, you are affirming all the declarations of God and promises over your life and acknowledging his supreme and wonder-working power.
It is our prayer that the One above, who reflects the epitome of Glory, Power, Honour, and majesty will smile on you and let it be unto you according to the promise of His word.”
Lets join the heavenly host and worship the one who lives forever… AmenArtist: Inspirers
Label: Prisans Production
Composed By: Dr. Prince Boamah Abrah
Produced By: Music Republic
Genre: Gospel
Video Directed By Eddie Kay Mensah
Country of Origin: Ghana
Inspirers Ministry is an international music and evangelistic ministry based in Ghana. The group is made up of dedicated Christians and professionals in both the public and private sectors with rich academic and work experiences. Our members have a great passion for soul-winning and offering selfless human services to all. Our general aim is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, provide social support and assistance for vulnerable and underprivileged in society regardless of race, color, and religion. In connection with this, we have consistently and successfully implemented our mission since 2012 as inspired by God.
Inspirers ministry was founded through divine inspiration by DR. PRINCE BOAMAH ABRAH and his supportive wife MRS. SANDRA ABRAH BOAMAH. The ministry’s inception begun when Dr. Abrah was invited for the Men of Worship (MOW) concert in 2012, being the then general secretary of MOW, he organized his friends with similar passion leading to our first public appearance. The group which started as a music ministry with two recording
albums have widened its scope of operation into a broader spectrum of outreach and support based programs for children, youth and adult.
Listen and download song below;
Download song
ALSO WATCH(Diana Hamilton’s powerful live ministration at Tehillah 2019)