Account of miracles wrought through Bishop Agyin Asare in Pakistan few weeks ago
During Bishop Charles Agyinasare’s three-day Festival of Miracles in Pakistan recently, the power of God, through His son Jesus Christ, delivered healing to the deaf, blind, lame, and all manner of believers who were suffering from infirmities such as goiter, growths, hernia, and stiff arms.
Demonstrating the need for sacrifice by the present generation, the Ghanaian founder of Perez Chapel International, who recently lost his father and buried him back home, forwent all vacation, and forayed into the Muslim-dominated Asian country, despite all the geopolitical and religious dangers in that part of the world, to hold the Festival of Miracles in Gujranwala, where thousands of believers thronged, to receive the gospel, dedicate their lives to Christ and get healed.
Even though the journey was tortuous, Bishop Agyinasare and his team put the love for the Lord and the need to obey His Great Commission to reach out to the world with the gospel, ahead of all personal comfort, to ensure that God’s work was done.
As the man of God wrote on the first day of his ‘Pakistan Diaries’, as captured below: “Usually, it is my custom to spend at least 6 hours in prayer during the day when I go for a crusade; but this time, from morning my team and I had to go and register with the police. Of course, no time for breakfast! We had to travel quite a distance to get our pictures taken, and then we moved from one police station to another, and then waited for several hours before leaving. It was already late afternoon when we returned to our hotel, and had to prepare for the evening’s activities. Not much time to pray. We had to go to work immediately in spite of the jet lag, the 5-hour time difference, and the surprising change in climate. Going on a mission for the Lord is no vacation”.
Despite fears of a possible Muslim-inspired attack on Christians in Pakistan in retaliation to the massacre of 49 Muslims by a white supremacist in New Zealand, Bishop Agyinasare put his trust in the Lord and prayed against anything negative event that may cut short his mission for Jesus Christ.
This is how he chronicled it in his ‘Pakistan Diaries’ during the second day of the Festival of Miracles.
“In the past, whenever similar things happened, Muslims in some parts of the world would get agitated, demonstrate, and often also perpetrate violent acts against Westerners (who are usually thought to be Christians). Here I was, a Christian proclaiming Christ in Pakistan. So, I went to God burdened in prayer. I prayed, and spent most of the day praying, not because I was afraid, but because: firstly, I didn’t want anything to cut short our gospel campaign in Pakistan; and secondly, I prayed so that, whereas there was a mass shooting in New Zealand, there would be salvation, healing, and deliverance en masse. And God answered my prayer, Hallelujah!”
Read Bishop Agyinasare’s Pakistan Diaries below:
Agyinasare Diaries: Pakistan Chronicles (Festival of Miracles)
Day #1 (Festival of Miracles)
Like my two previous salvation crusades held in the nation of Pakistan, this three-day gospel campaign dubbed “Festival of Miracles” was also sponsored by Agyinasare World Evangelism, friends, Perez Chapel International, and me. But unlike the other trips to this place, this time my team and I came to a different city – Gujranwala – and had different experiences.
After 22 hours of traveling from Accra on Tuesday, we checked into our hotel by Wednesday night, slept by 2 a.m. for a few hours, and rose early on Thursday morning, the day of the crusade. Usually, it is my custom to spend at least 6 hours in prayer during the day when I go for a crusade; but this time, from morning my team and I had to go and register with the police. Of course, no time for breakfast! We had to travel quite a distance to get our pictures taken, and then we moved from one police station to another, and then waited for several hours before leaving. It was already late afternoon when we returned to our hotel, and had to prepare for the evening’s activities. Not much time to pray. We had to go to work immediately in spite of the jet lag, the 5-hour time difference, and the surprising change in climate. Going on a mission for the Lord is no vacation.
In Gujranwala, we were welcomed by very warm people, but our mission would take place in very cold weather! And yet, in spite of the chilly breeze, the Lord gave me a word of fire for the precious people of Pakistan: “Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever”. This being the first night of the campaign, there were many preliminary activities on the programme, and, so, I was introduced to speak by 9:30 p.m. After declaring to the crowd of mostly Muslim men, women and children that whatever Jesus did on earth two millennia ago, He could still do today, I called for deaf-mutes to come forward. After laying my hands on them, the power of the Lord was present to heal! Several of those afflicted with deafness and dumbness were healed, including this fine young man, who was born dumb. For the first time in 17 years, this lad could now speak!
The multitudes were excited at some of the miracles they had just seen and heard, but they got amazed after I prayed the second miracle prayer, and the crippled started walking! Memorable among them was a gentleman who had been crippled for over a year due to an infection in both of his feet. When Jesus touched him, he began to walk by himself! Many other people were healed but time and space will not allow me to enumerate them all. Besides, I was alerted while I was taking testimonies that we had to close the meeting, seeing it was very late in the night.
But more than all the many wonderful healings and miracles that had taken place, I was thrilled to witness the greatest miracle of all — the many souls that came to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour. Indeed, our Saviour is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah!
Agyinasare Diaries: Pakistan Chronicles
Day #2
I woke up yesterday morning grateful to God for all that He had done through me on the first night of our Festival of Miracles, Gujranwala. But even though I was thankful, I was not satisfied but was desperate to see God do more than I could ask or think as we shared the Good News to the people of this nation.
Unfortunately, after my first session of prayer in the morning, I discovered some rather bad news: a mass shooting had taken place in two mosques in New Zealand, that resulted in the deaths of at least 49 Muslims and left not less than 40 others seriously wounded. I was devastated.
In the past, whenever similar things happened, Muslims in some parts of the world would get agitated, demonstrate, and often also perpetrate violent acts against Westerners (who are usually thought to be Christians). Here I was, a Christian proclaiming Christ in Pakistan. So, I went to God burdened in prayer. I prayed, and spent most of the day praying, not because I was afraid, but because: firstly, I didn’t want anything to cut short our gospel campaign in Pakistan; and secondly, I prayed so that, whereas there was a mass shooting in New Zealand, there would be salvation, healing, and deliverance en masse. And God answered my prayer, Hallelujah!
GOD’S GRACE EN MASSE (Festival of Miracles)
By the time we were being ushered onto the miracle crusade grounds, individuals, groups, and families were entering in droves. The crowds had gathered much earlier than the preceding night, so I was introduced to preach earlier than expected. By the time I was done sharing on “The Name of Jesus”, as the Scripture says, every knee had bowed, and every tongue had confessed that Jesus is Lord! I did not get off the platform to lay hands on the sick, but rather prayed a mass prayer for healing. And the impact was massive!
In fact, even while I was praying, the demonised began to manifest violently on the floor. And after prayer, miracles began to take place. A gentleman who was crippled, carried by his brother to the meeting, received his healing immediately and began to walk. A little girl who had watery ears saw the power of God when the water dried up spontaneously after the prayer was offered. Another lady, whose hand was swollen for over two weeks, had her hand restored to the same size and form as the other. I still remember the look of bewilderment on the face of the woman whose huge goitre suddenly vanished. But most emotional for me was the testimony of this little boy who was blind and, therefore, had never seen a thing in his life. By the name of Jesus, his eyes just opened, and he was able to see me, see the lights, and even follow my handkerchief! I could not take all the testimonies, and handed over the microphone to Rev. Dr Lavoe, who cast out demons in the name of Jesus.
Indeed, on Day 2 of Festival of Miracles, we saw God’s grace en masse through the name of Jesus.
Agyinasare Diaries: Pakistan Chronicles (Festival of Miracles)
Day #3
I HAVE GIVEN YOU ASIA (Festival of Miracles)
It’s been three days since we arrived in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I first came to this nation in 2006 for a miracle crusade in Karachi and Lahore, and then last year came to Karachi. Already the week has been very charged with activity, and I started to feel tired this morning. But I was energised when a couple of gentlemen came to meet me in my hotel room. They came with copies of two of my books—Rise Up & Work, and Money With A Mission—translated in Urdu, the main language of the Pakistanis. At last, we can reach the people in their own tongue!
I was then reminded of what the Lord said to me in the year 2000: He said, “I have given you Asia”. Even though I had been giving to and investing in Asia as far back as 1993, simply out of my passion for God’s heartbeat, since the Lord spoke to me, I have been making more conscious steps toward reaching the world’s biggest continent; so these books were evidence that the vision will surely come to pass.
After receiving my God-sent guests in the morning, my team and I left for the morning session of our Supernatural Empowerment Summit, Pakistan edition. When I met with about three hundred men and women thirsty to work the works of God, I was encouraged because even one hundred and twenty disciples empowered by the Holy Ghost in the Upper Room were able to turn their world upside right for Jesus. Here were more than 120 people, leaders with whom I shared some very salient keys for ministry, and to whom I imparted some spiritual things. We returned to the hotel to prepare for the last night of the gospel campaign.
HEAVEN ON EARTH (Festival of Miracles)
Given the New Zealand massacre the day before, the local authorities were discussing cancelling our Saturday evening meeting altogether for security reasons. But after much negotiation, they agreed to allow us on condition that we started by 7 and closed by 8:50 p.m. sharp. Interestingly, some dignitaries came to join us, among whom were three members of parliament, a senator, the chief of police, and the district police chief, and others. This representation of local rulers was only a sign that the heavens would also be present at the crusade.
To be my forerunner for the last night, I asked my biological son and protégé Rev. Francis Agyinasare to exhort and pray for the sick, and it was clear that God had put on him the same anointing at work in me. Diverse miracles took place, from paralysed people walking, to growths and goitre disappearing, eye problems, and many others. I then took over and, through the word of knowledge, several cripples got up and began to walk all over the place! A gentleman who had suffered from hernia for a long time was dumbfounded when it suddenly disappeared after I called out his condition by the word of knowledge. We hadn’t yet prayed. But after I prayed the miracle prayer, there was an explosion of miracles: an elderly man who was both blind and crippled began to see and walk; a young boy who was dumb since birth also had his tongue loosed by the power of God and began to speak! Those who had demonic harassments were liberated. Uncountable testimonies of God’s power that was present to heal. The testimony queue was so long that we had to proceed with the meeting without taking the rest of the testimonies! I prayed for the nation of Pakistan and blessed it before handing over to Rev. Dr Lavoe, who spent time casting out devils.
So far, the reports coming from the local pastors, churches, and indigenes have been very encouraging, and they are calling for us to come back soon. The gospel was preached, God confirmed His word with signs and wonders, and the works of Satan were destroyed. Jesus said, “Look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest”. We came, we saw, and we were convinced that the fields are white to harvest. Asia is ready. My prayer is that the Lord of the harvest will send forth labourers.
Account Source: Bishop Agyin Asare on Facebook